DLCC plaza deck in Pittsburgh, PA
Siplast's red and blue s-bug

With you every step of the way

Terapro pedestrian system outside the capitol hotel

Liquid-Applied Vehicular & Pedestrian Coating Assemblies

Not all parking garages and pedestrian spaces need coatings with the same level of durability. Different durabilities can be achieved by how the system is assembled and the number of layers used. Siplast’s full portfolio of Terapro deck coatings provides a comprehensive solution, as it allows for hybrid systems and tailored applications.

Siplast event space

Upcoming Events

Keep up-to-date with the latest Siplast virtual and in-person events. Don't miss out on your chance to learn, discuss, and network with peers and subject matter experts. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Siplast expert teaching CEU class

Accredited Learning Resources

We are pleased to offer the opportunity to earn continuing education units (CEU) from the variety of accredited educational programs listed here. Whether you are just getting started in your career or are a seasoned professional, our subject matter experts have content for you.