commercial walls

Future-Proofing Commercial Buildings with AWBs

WALLcontrol Reinforced Aluminum Flashing and STPE Flashing

Investing in training, research, and best practices ensures that AWBs are not just an add-on but a fundamental part of building design and construction. The more we dive into the impact of AWBs on energy consumption, the more we'll uncover how they can transform our approach to energy efficiency.
Roller application of WALLcontrol Reinforced Aluminum AWB

The future of AWBs reflects a broader societal challenge, one that embraces change, innovation, and long-term thinking, and builds not just for today but for generations to come.
WALLcontrol Monolith VP Adhered AWB

We can build a strong legacy against the challenges of a changing world that will require more than adherence to the bare minimum criteria, though we have to embrace resilient construction.

It will not only require an authentic dedication and resilience against external extreme weather hazards and stressors but also the strategic, man-made design choices within the building enclosure.

Efficient air and water barriers are just one pathway of many to a more resilient, self-sufficient, and climate-conscious future.