Siplast worker rolling liquid applied

A Fluid Solution

PMMA Roof Membranes
Parapro Roof Membrane and Parapro Flashing

A chemical bond is much stronger than a simple adhesion bond, resulting in more robust attachment than is typically obtainable with adhesives. This bonding can be formed on day one or at year ten when an additional penetration through the system is needed.

PMMA polymerization reaction can occur at temperatures below freezing. Most manufacturers will allow application down to 23° F (-5° C), which can be a distinct advantage in colder climates. Materials should be kept in conditioned storage to maintain the proper viscosity and aid in the dispersion of the peroxide. Proper dispersion of the initiator is important to the uniform curing of the membrane. Manufacturers typically recommend that the initiator be stirred into the material for at least two minutes to ensure full dispersion.