rolled sheets

Quarter 1

Siplast Journal
SBS elasticity

Optimizing elasticity

See how we assess the elastomeric properties of SBS-modified bitumen blends – in the Siplast RISE (Research, Innovate, Support, and Evolve) Center.
PMMA protection

Protection at every level

Siplast offers SBS-Modified Bitumen and fast-curing liquid-applied PMMA waterproofing and surface protection solutions. High-quality products, decades of experience and know-how paired with comprehensive and professional service, make Siplast the partner to turn to when it comes to premium waterproofing and surface protection.
Ceiling Assemblies LWIC

Reduce fireproofing demand with LWIC?

Using Lightweight Insulating Concrete Roof Deck assemblies may eliminate the need for nearly 95% of interior fireproofing on the underside of the roof deck, when compared to some rigid insulation applications. This can also lead to faster phasing of new construction projects.

Understanding high-performance protection at the parapet is a critical step to a successful building enclosure. Parapets are the junction where building aesthetics meets structural performance, air and water moisture management, and energy efficiency.

Learn more about air-water barrier parapets for water, air, thermal, and vapor control.