Siplast Roofs
An investment for the future
Some building owners and specifiers who know about Siplast and would like to have a Siplast roof are under the impression that they can't afford one. They've heard that a Siplast roof can cost more than some of the alternative roof systems on an installed cost basis. They're not sure it's worth it.
Actually, in many cases, Siplast roofs are quite competitive and, in some instances, even less expensive than alternative systems. Building owners and specifiers may tend to overlook many considerations that can ultimately affect the performance and life expectancy of their new roof and, therefore, the value of their roofing investment.
Chances are, your roof protects some pretty valuable and important assets. Whether your roof is protecting critical manufacturing operations, sensitive computer or electronic equipment, a hospital full of patients, a classroom full of students, or an inventory of products, your choice of roof system carries major implications for both the short and long term. You'll want to get the most for every dollar you spend. It's a big investment.
What is the anticipated term of my investment?

Revolutionizing Roofing with SBS-Modified Bitumen
RISE Center
What costs should I consider that I might tend to overlook?
Up-front costs are easily identified and quantified. Typically, they include material and installation costs for insulation, roof membrane, and accessory items. If replacing or re-covering an existing roof, there are the added costs of removal or preparation of the old roof. Guarantee or warranty fees are also easily determined.
What about routine maintenance costs?
Siplast roof systems are available with factory-applied surfacings that make routine maintenance just that... routine. Damage to the membrane is easily identified and temporary repairs can be made by your own maintenance staff with materials that are readily available. Siplast's multi-ply systems offer the additional leak protection inherent with multiple layer application. Siplast can also educate your maintenance staff on the proper procedures for making temporary roof repairs and arranging for permanent repairs to be made, in the event that repairs are necessary. Taking these facts into consideration, you can reasonably expect low routine maintenance costs from a Siplast roof.
What about lost opportunity costs?
Siplast roof systems are designed to help minimize or eliminate lost opportunity costs. By "phasing" the application of Siplast membrane materials, your building can be "in the dry" fast, allowing you to make the most of your productive capacity. Some property owners have realized the savings by taking advantage of this important Siplast capability.
And inconvenience costs?
With Siplast, inconvenience can be minimized. In the unlikely event that you have a problem with a Siplast roof, you can be confident that Siplast will address it in accordance with its warranty and guarantee terms. And because Siplast sells its products only to well-established, financially sound, and well-trained contractors you can be sure that your contractor is a professional, and not a fly-by-night operator.
When you select a Siplast roof, your chances of incurring significant inconvenience costs are further reduced because of the personal attention that Siplast gives to every order it receives. The Siplast Technical Department reviews the design and specifications for each project before an order is accepted and material shipped to ensure that it meets Siplast's requirements for warranty or guarantee coverage. This extra step helps enhance the prospects of obtaining a successfully performing roof. The Siplast Field Technical organization is available for periodic inspections during installation to help roofing contractors install the Siplast materials according to Siplast specifications.
Siplast does all the extra things it takes to be more than just another supplier of roofing materials. Siplast works to minimize the likelihood of your having to deal with the costs of inconvenience.
Are there other considerations?
Most owners expect a lot from a roof. They trust that their roof system will serve them well over many years in spite of such destructive forces as normal building movement, maintenance traffic, environmental contaminants, temperature changes, wind, rain, snow, and the continuous attack of ultraviolet rays from the sun.
Siplast has designed its products and construction detail requirements to obtain the maximum effective performance life out of its roofs. By requiring the use of conservative design details and additional reinforcing plies, Siplast has made sure that those areas of the roof that are subject to the most stress are, in fact, the strongest parts of the roof system. Siplast roofs may cost a little more up-front, but provide exceptional performance over the long haul.
What is the bottom line?
Before you make the decision to go with an option that may be slightly less expensive up front, consider the value of everything you get with Siplast:
- The expertise of one of the manufacturing leaders in the roofing industry, with proven technologies like SBS-modified bitumen and PMMA.
- A range of specialized products engineered for use in critical areas where most roof failures occur, such as flashings and roof penetrations.
- The thorough review of specifications and details for your job before shipment, to ensure that the installed roofing system will meet Siplast's requirements for warranty or guarantee coverage.
- A trained, evaluated, and experienced network of contractors to install your roof, to help ensure that you get the best roof possible.
- A thorough inspection of your roofing project upon completion to help ensure that all guarantee requirements have been met.*Prompt and professional customer service and technical assistance before, during, and after the sale.
- A written guarantee or warranty providing the repair of covered leaks. See sample warranties and guarantees for complete coverage and restrictions.
When it's all said and done, that slight premium you may pay for a Siplast roof is a small price for everything that you'll be getting. And how do you put a price on peace of mind?
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