Fasteners, Plates, & Adhesives for Parasolo TPX

Parafast RhinoBond TPX Plates

Manufactured from Galvalume® coated steel and coated with TPO to allow for induction welding of TPX membranes.

Parasolo TPX Quick Spray Adhesive

A single-component adhesive used to adhere Parasolo TPO membranes to approved substrates.

Parasolo TPX Quick Spray Adhesive LV50

A low VOC, solvent-based, sprayable, contact adhesive useful for bonding smooth TPO membranes to various substrates.

Parasolo TPX SBA Bonding Adhesive

A fast-drying, solvent-based rubberized TPO bonding adhesive designed for use with smooth TPO membranes.

Parasolo WB Bonding Adhesive

A water-based, copolymer-based acrylic emulsion adhesive used in bonding both TPO smooth and fleece-back, and PVC fleece-back roofing membranes.