broadcasting of Terapro VTS Quartz in the Terapro VTS System

Terapro Waterproofing & Surfacing Systems

High performance. Quick application.
 Unlimited possibilities.

One of the most successful commercial product innovations of the last century occurred in the 1930s when polymethyl methacrylate resins, commonly known as PMMA, were first synthesized. Practical applications for the new resin, which included everything from aircraft windshields to dentures, soon followed. The material proved to be exceptionally durable, and the use of PMMA grew rapidly. But in spite of its outstanding performance, the material was too rigid for use in waterproofing applications – until the 1970s. That’s when a PMMA formulation was developed that, once cured, was resilient rather than rigid.

Today, Terapro Waterproofing and Surfacing Systems offer all the benefits of PMMA technology in products that meet the performance standards of Siplast.


Every project is unique. That’s why Siplast offers a variety of Terapro formulations and surfacing options to enable you to select the Terapro System that best matches your project requirements.