Terapro Waterproofing & Surfacing Systems
One of the most successful commercial product innovations of the last century occurred in the 1930s when polymethyl methacrylate resins, commonly known as PMMA, were first synthesized. Practical applications for the new resin, which included everything from aircraft windshields to dentures, soon followed. The material proved to be exceptionally durable, and the use of PMMA grew rapidly. But in spite of its outstanding performance, the material was too rigid for use in waterproofing applications – until the 1970s. That’s when a PMMA formulation was developed that, once cured, was resilient rather than rigid.
Today, Terapro Waterproofing and Surfacing Systems offer all the benefits of PMMA technology in products that meet the performance standards of Siplast.
Terapro Performance Advantages
Waterproofing applications benefit from the numerous advantages PMMA resins hold over other liquid-applied waterproofing systems. Terapro resins are low VOC, and unlike many polyurethane materials, are formulated without solvents or isocyanatee.
Terapro Systems provide exceptional:
- Protection against abrasion*
- Protection against the damaging effects of moisture intrusion
- UV resistance
- Durability
Terapro Application Advantages
In addition to performance advantages, Terapro resins offer a significant application advantage over other liquid-applied, layered polyurethane systems -- application speed. A Terapro System can be applied and trafficked within an 8-hour day, which is a significant financial and practical benefit for hotels, condominiums, and public facilities. By comparison, polyurethane and polyester systems can require cure times between 1-3 days before they can withstand traffic without sustaining damage. Terapro systems are not highly sensitive to atmospheric humidity during application, as compared to other liquid-applied, one-component polyurethane systems. And importantly, Terapro base and flashing resins can be applied in temperatures as low as 23°F – allowing a much greater window of opportunity than other liquid-applied products such as polyurethane and polyester systems, which are limited by a minimum application temperature of 40°F.
As part of our manufacturing process for Siplast Terapro resins, stringent quality control tests are performed on every batch of material we produce to ensure that all Terapro products meet key performance criteria. In addition, to product quality control, our resin laboratory continually studies issues related to application quality control, long-term performance, and resin compatibility.
Siplast is committed to placing the same emphasis on quality, long-term waterproofing solutions for pedestrian and vehicular traffic areas which has built our strong reputation as an industry leader and innovator in advanced roofing and waterproofing systems.
We recognize that providing quality products does not guarantee a successful job, so Siplast Field Technical Representatives are available for our network of certified independent contractors. Terapro Systems can be installed only by Siplast Terapro Select Contractors. These independent professionals have met the qualifications of one of the toughest contractor certification program in the industry – ours. Their skill and dedication have demonstrated time and again that they regard themselves as members of a team dedicated to installing great waterproofing systems.
Siplast offers a written guarantee all approved Terapro projects when Siplast materials are applied by a Siplast Terapro Select Contractor, provided all pre- and post-job procedures have been followed. See sample guarantee, available at Siplast.com for complete coverage and restrictions.
Contact your Siplast Representative for more information about Siplast Terapro Systems. Connect Now
Terapro Waterproofing and Surfacing for Pedestrian Access Areas
Balconies, walkways, and terraces are among the most distinctive components of building design, and as exposed structural elements, they face a widely varied set of requirements. Obviously, they must be waterproof and be able to withstand UV and protect against other types of environmental damage. But since they are highly visible, aesthetic considerations are extremely important. They must be able to hold up well against foot traffic and abrasion. And, because they are in high-access areas, applications must be safe and fast. The Terapro Waterproofing and Surfacing System can help meet these requirements.
The Terapro Waterproofing and Surfacing System is a liquid-applied, layered application consisting of one coat of primer, waterproofing/wearing layers, hard-wearing surfacing, and a finish layer. Reinforced systems for use over occupied/conditioned interior spaces include a polyester fleece fabric or fiberglass scrim for additional waterproofing protection. Each layer of the system consists of a catalyzed PMMA resin. The completed high-mil thickness application is resilient, monolithic, seamless, durable, resistant to UV, and can hold up well against foot traffic, mechanical abuse, and many environmental contaminants.
Both reinforced and unreinforced Terapro Waterproofing and Surfacing Systems for pedestrian access areas are available with these standard surfacing options:
- Pro Natural Quartz with Pro Color Finish.
- Pro Natural Quartz with Pro Color Finish and optional Pro Accent Chips.
- Pro Color Finish with Pro Texture Beads.
- Pro Color Finish with Pro Texture Beads and optional Pro Accent Chips.
Terapro Systems can be surfaced with Pro Color Finish and Pro Natural Quartz when the situation demands a hard-wearing layer. For lighter-duty applications, Pro Color Finish can be aggregated with Pro Texture Beads. Both Pro Natural Quartz and Pro Texture Beads offer skid resistance in accordance with ASTM E 303, and a simple, clean appearance and a simple, clean appearance.
Pro Color Finish is available in various standard colors, which designers can specify as a single-color layer, dramatic patterns, or colorful designs for practical purposes like designated traffic paths. In addition, Pro Accent Chips can be broadcast into the wet Pro Color Finish immediately following the resin application, creating a variegated aesthetic and breaking up the monolithic appearance of the solid color finish.
Terapro Waterproofing and Surfacing for Vehicular Traffic Areas
The Terapro VTS System is a liquid-applied, layered application consisting of one coat of primer, a filled waterproofing layer, a hard-wearing quartz surfacing, and a durable pigmented finish layer. Reinforced systems for use over occupied interior spaces include a polyester fleece fabric or fiberglass scrim for additional protection. Each layer of the system is comprised of a catalyzed PMMA resin.
The completed high-mil thickness application is monolithic, seamless, and twice the thickness of other 3 layer polyurethane systems applied in parking deck applications. The Terapro VTS System is designed for performance in the difficult parking deck environment by taking advantage of the properties of PMMA. These properties allow Terapro VTS to achieve both a bond to the substrate and an interlaminar bond that is that is stronger than the typical bonds achieved by polyurethane products. This tenacious adhesion results in high resistance to disbonding under the loads imposed by heavy vehicular traffic. Terapro VTS bond strength, together with the tough crystal quartz surfacing, lends a level of durability to the system that is not found in parking deck coatings.
After hard-wearing Terapro VTS Quartz is immediately broadcast into the wet waterproofing layer, a final layer of Pro Color Finish is applied to complete the system. Pro Color Finish is available in various standard colors, which designers can use to mark traffic paths, create long-wearing traffic markings, and create low-maintenance color coding for parking garages.